The ABC’s of Marketing: Part 1

| Ethical Marketing

As an entrepreneur, you may be wearing every hat imaginable. You’re the marketing team, the sales team, the copy editor- you are everywhere all at once! While this can be extremely rewarding, it can also be a little daunting without any additional guidance. That’s why we’re here with the ABC’s of Marketing: Part 1!

Having a guide or starting point when it comes to the online business space may be the resource you didn’t know you needed! Throughout January, we shared terms related to marketing, sales psychology, or copywriting across our social media platforms that are essential in gaining a deeper understanding of those areas and their principles. 

We like to think of this list as the ABC’s of Marketing- the perfect pocket dictionary you can refer back to anytime you need a quick refresher on the definition of a term, how it can apply to your own business, or what a term even is in the first place.

We’ve got the ABC’s of Marketing right here for you so you can learn something new and stay up to date! (P.S. If you don’t see a word you’re looking for here, there’s more to come in the series!)

Let’s dive in!

The ABC’s of Marketing: Part 1


Archetypes are universal models of behaviors or personalities that play a role in influencing human behavior. Your ‘archetype’ impacts the way you structure and run your business. Many business owners use archetype breakdowns to help their clients/customers make decisions. 

At Propegy, we look at your lead gen archetype to understand how your personality can impact your lead gen style. Take the quiz to find out yours!

B2B & B2C

B2B and B2C refer to different types of marketing strategies for different types of businesses. First, B2B marketing refers to marketing or sales happening between two businesses rather than a business and a consumer. B2C marketing refers to the tactics used by a business marketing directly to their customers, rather than going through other companies.

Because B2C marketing appeals more to the customer, there tends to be a more personal approach in those marketing efforts. On the other hand, a B2B marketing efforts may lean toward more “practical” business appeals like data or budget.

Case Study

A case study takes a reader or potential client through the journey of someone else’s experience with you, helping them to truly connect with the possibility of their own transformation by experiencing that journey alongside someone who has been in their shoes before.

Case studies lead with feelings by guiding your reader through the transformation you can provide. Because the proof is coming from actual clients you’ve helped through their own transformation, they don’t just have to take your word for it!

Demand Generation

Demand generation refers to increasing demand for a product or service through the creation of strategic content and marketing activity that grows your potential customer base. This is often data driven and should drive awareness to your brand, product, or service. 

Ethical Marketing 

Ethical marketing doesn’t really have a concrete definition or code of ethics. To me, ethical marketing is all about intent. If you are ethically marketing, you should be trying to guide someone in a way that best suits them. 

I look at practices, copy, and strategies that help my ideal client come to the best solution for them and hope that I am the best solution for them.

It’s important to take their financial status and ability to think through decisions quickly into consideration when you’re looking at your marketing tactics. 

Did you learn something new about marketing? This is only part 1 of the ABC’s of Marketing series, so if you don’t see a term you’re looking for here, keep checking back to learn more! Keep an eye on my Instagram and Tik Tok to see when new ABC’s of Marketing posts go live! 

Hey I’m Haley!

Your market-research-lovin’, copywriting-obsessed, data-driven marketer here to join you on the adventure of a lifetime – running a values-forward business with marketing you can be proud of and a customer journey that knocks your people’s socks off. What’s not to love about that?

digital marketing consultant

Take the Quiz

Find Your Next Opt In.

It’s no secret that your email list is gold in the online business world, but when it comes to growing it? There’s more method to the madness than throwing together a quick PDF and calling it a day.

Take the quiz to uncover which type of opt-in is the right fit for your ideal clients at their stage in the customer journey. When you’re done, I’ll even send ya some tips to get started.

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